A green company

Committed to carbon neutral production for a cleaner and brighter future

Carbon neutral production for a cleaner and brighter future

As a company, we have made a commitment to manufacture all our products with minimal impact on the environment. In accordance with this mission, we use environmentally friendly materials and connect with suppliers who help us provide a nature-friendly and controlled production chain.

nature friendly bags with FSC ® certificate

We are certified in accordance with the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) standard (FSC-C074413) for the sustainable management of forests in the chain. Thus, we have accepted the obligation to perform the activities of the production process according to international standards, the goal of which is ecologically responsible, socially beneficial and economically managed production. On products marked with the FSC® label, we inform end users that we use raw materials from forests with sustainable management and legal logging for our products. Ask for products with the FSC® sign.

a healthier work and natural environment with water-based inks

Papiroti recognizes that the long-term health of our business is directly connected to the health of the planet and local communities. We strive to follow manufacturing standards that protect natural resources and reduce the amount of waste materials. A clean environment is essential for human health and well-being therefore we are fully committed to minimize our impact on the environment. Responsibility for saving the Planet starts with each one of us. Among others we use water-based inks and our products are suitable for recycling.

controlled supply chain

Trustworthy partnerships
One of our priorities and commitments is to ensure the optimal operation of all links in the supply chain, as we are aware that this is the key to a successful operation of the company. Its foundations are long-term cooperation between partners and mutual trust, as well as the free flow of information from the supplier to the end customer.

Supply chain responsiveness guaranteed
The key advantage is the responsiveness of the supply chain, which means that we respond effectively to different needs for quantities, meet short delivery times, manage a wide range of products and provide a high level of service. Procurement operates on the principle of long-term business, so we can ensure consistently high quality of selected suppliers and, consequently, quality products.

relations and logistics

Long – term supplier relationships
We have established long-term partnerships with suppliers and cooperation with leading European manufacturers who ensure quality and all necessary certificates. The diversity of our suppliers allows us to find solutions for different customer requirements and needs.

Logistics with the help of a subsidiary
In cooperation with the subsidiary Plastoform logistika d.o.o., we provide our business partners with a complete logistics service in international and domestic trade. Our fleet includes 19 own vehicles equipped with CVS equipment to provide state-of-the-art GPS technology for vehicle and shipment tracking. When we cannot transport cargo with our own vehicles, we have very reliable partners who provide the same conditions and standards as if the service would be performed with our own transport.